Monday, March 30, 2015

Mini-me Monday: 03-30-2015

Today is me feeling awesome.

To start, twice this past week I got to get out and walk. (I ran a bit, but it was snowy still and I was in my steel toed boots so it wasn't great). Part Of that walking was a 5K!

I stepped on the scale this week to see a loss, not a great one but a loss nonetheless. I'm happy to see the scale moving in the right direction!

Today I dusted off my asics and ran (not full in yet, still breaking in my "spring legs" plus I wasn't wearing my arm band so, holding my iPod in my hand while I run is a bit cumbersome. I definitely plan on doing it more. Maybe going back to 3 days a week?

It makes me want to shout:
I'm thinner today.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

What's up Wednesday: 03-25-2015

I'm so glad to be done with this play!
(not that I didn't look fabulous, right?)

So here's "what's up" today.
First of all, my play is over so I get to get back to some semblance of normality.
I'll admit, I missed my girls. I missed singing their songs and saying prayers with them and tucking them in and hearing "I love you mommy". I missed being a mom! I got to know my cast members more than I did my own children!

I have to give some serious thought to if I'm going to do it again next year. I'd like to, but it really takes a toll on a mom.

So I'm getting back into my crocheting and I really want to get into my running (the problem of course being the white stuff which has made a sudden resurgence in Saskatchewan). When it becomes less wintery this spring, I'll dust off my kicks and get out running.

oh! speaking of shoes! Everyone was bragging about the flowers they got for opening night and hubby knows me so well. He went out, saw flowers and went, "I know she'll want something else" and bought me a gift card for sportchek so I can go get some new running shoes! How amazing is my husband? Who needs flowers when they're going to die? I have a chance to get running! WOO!

So there you go: Life is getting better.
God Bless

Monday, March 23, 2015

tangle tuesdays

so here I am still working on my blanket (not quite done step 5, but thankfully I have another week to get step 6 done, yay).

But I've been working on other things.

As I've previously stated, I've become obsessed with disney bounding. It's a complete obsession. And the one I really want to disneybound is: DOPEY! Yes, sadly I've become obsessed with Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. (and yes, it's spelled dwarfs, dwarves is acceptable, but wrong according to my spellcheck. I know. It confused me too). My daughters have the little people set with the snow white and all 7 dwarfs and so I get to see them all all the time and the little big eared lovely one with the purple hat and the lime green clothes and brown shoes. I look forward to doing this in September. I will definitely bring this little dude to life.

So I made a purple hat for me to wear, and it looks down right adorable if I do say so myself.
And I needed something easy I could work on during my play that didn't have a bunch of pieces.

Who do you think wore it better?
Anyway, I'll be working on another purple hat with beautiful buttons as I plan more outfits for September.

I'll post more pictures next week (when I hopefully get them all together)
wish me luck?
have a good night!

Mini Me Monday: 03-23-2015

Oh my gosh, I am so ready to be back to reality!

My play was fun and hanging out with adults was fun, but now I'm happy to be back to normal and spending time with my children and my husband. I missed them so much!

so here's the thing, I found this amazing story about a mother and daughter who lost a lot of weight by simply moving every day for 100 days and posting it on

I was so impressed and I got to thinking maybe I could do that for 100 days. Maybe just walk/running a mile or a couple km a day and building up endurance and stamina and just getting going. I'd have to get up early in order to do it, which would be an adventure in itself since, you know: not a morning person.

So the other deal I thought would be neat is walking/running 100 days and ending on my birthday! wouldn't that be cool? make my birthday in September my last day in the 100?

So I'm going to try getting up earlier and getting out, but I'll start my "100 day challenge" on June 11. That way when I end my 100 day challenge, it will be my birthday :)

We'll have to see how things go... wish me luck?

What can you do for 100 days?

Last week I lost 1 lb, which doesn't seem like much, but the scale didn't move for 3 weeks, so I was happy it moved and more so, that it moved in the right direction.

This past week was crappy. I ate stupid all weekend (pretzels and chocolate and roast beef and potatoes and.... *salivates* *shakes head* where was I? oh yes, eating stupid). So it will likely show on the scale. But I'm determined to dust myself off and shake it off the scale. (Now that I can get back to some semblance of normality).

Here's hoping the snow melts soon so I can get out and run!

see you tomorrow with hopefully good news all around :)


Monday, March 16, 2015

Mini Me Monday (March 16/2012)

Ugh, I'm not sure what the scale is going to say. I've been feeling better but this past week has been a mess for so many reasons.

To start: I didn't write my blog because I was feverish and vomiting and had a throat infection, so I was pretty much out of commission for a few days. I'm on antibiotics but solid food is still an adventure. I'm hoping I'll be able to eat things soon.

This past week I decided I've been eating too many potato chips. I think that's what my weight plateau is being attested too. Too much salt not enough water.

The fact my throat is so dry lately that I've been getting in a lot of liquid :)

I've also been getting out more. (It's easier now that the weather is warmer). But it's still too slippery to run, so I'll be sticking to walking. I can't wait to dust off my shoes. It won't be long now.

Now that I'm feeling better, I'll be working towards getting to be a thinner me.
My play's first performance is on Friday so it's going to be a crazy week. working towards streamlining my awesomeness. :)

wish me luck!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mini-Me Monday: Feeling Fat

ugh... you know what you do when you want to feel good about yourself?
yeah, me neither.

Today I had an "I-feel-fat" day.
Surprisingly enough, I didn't turn it into an "I'm-going-to-make-myself-fatter" day which is usually what happens.

I went to the store today. I am in a play and I need brown pants to match the brown coat that I'm wearing. Do you know how hard it is to find Brown pants? 

Anyway, I found pair and of course: tight. *sighs*

so I go to another store. Found a perfect pair in what I thought was my size.. didn't even get them over my hips.

I exited the change room holding back tears.
I hate feeling fat.

I went to the dollar store with my little one and bought some little things including caramels and fudge. (I ate 140 cals worth. Then I stopped. I'm calling it a victory).

I'm usually so comfortable in my skin.
I hated this feeling especially when I've worked so hard to get to the point I'm at.
I can do better.
I will do better.
227.8lbs today.
A turtle.

I'll take it for now.
But It's the highest I'm going to be this year.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Funnie

In honour of Once Upon A Time's mid season premier.

See you on Mini-Me Monday